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Self-confidence is a soft skill. Without this skill, you cannot get success. It impacts all aspects of any life. You can’t give interviews, do public speaking, do marketing, work on the highest posts, and much other work without self-confidence. You should learn these BAD HABITS THAT DESTROY CONFIDENCE .

 If you want to know what is confidence, read it: 

Many habits increase your confidence, like learning, research, believing in yourself, and most important practicing. Confidence is another name for knowledge and practice. You can sit in any job interview confidently after sitting in some interview with scare.

You can’t speak in public with full confidence if you never speak publicly before. You should participate shortly with other senior speakers. When you appear in front of the public only for 2 to 3 minutes it creates confidence in you and you can speak more in the next sessions.

These are good habits that boost confidence but many bad habits destroy confidence. We all should avoid these bad habits. In this article, I wrote 10 bad habits that should avoid compulsory otherwise we destroy confidence permanently.


Know about your health and appearance and always focus on improvement. In which dress do you look better, which hairstyle suits you, which color is made for you, and which food is better for your health? When and in which season you should change all these things?

If you don’t focus on these questions you always feel discomfort. You avoid going to public events. Which destroys improvement in anything. You can’t learn new or trending things from the public and it also disadvantages your business or job.

Learn how to improve your appearance. Know yourself as you can know. Know yourself more than you know others.  Remember what you look like.

If you research around yourself you will find many people failed in life due to only one reason they didn’t focus on their appearance and health. They didn’t recognize what they look like and which food is better for their health.


During focusing on your appearance, knowledge, health, and wealth don’t obsess on any minor flaw. Trying yourself to improve these flaws is another thing. There are many differences between improving and obsessing.

Focus only on improving these flaws instead of obsessing. Obsessing stops you to do productive work. These flaws always are in your mind. This destroys your mental health and habit of focusing. Which are not better for confidence. 

You always feel ashamed, inadequate, and sad. Don’t criticize yourself for these minor flaws. No one in the world is completely correct. Everyone has many flaws. And every successful people also have many flaws but they neglect them constantly and focus on productive things.

Obsessing taking your energy, you should try putting the same energy into doing positive thinking and about your positive qualities. Which increases your self-confidence instead of destroying it.

3 Talking About Your Perceived Weaknesses

This is directly related to the above-mentioned bad habit. Because when we obsess then we should start talking with others about our flaws and weakness. But talking about perceived weakness is the next step. Some weaknesses we adopt only in our minds but that do not exist.

If you continuously talk about your perceived weakness. People don’t take you seriously. They always avoid staying near you which destroys your confidence. Try to improve your weakness instead of telling others.

You can improve yourself but another person can’t improve themselves. Don’t waste your valuable time and energy telling people about your perceived weakness. Try this time and energy to improve your actual weaknesses and learn new skills.

4 Over Complimenting Others

Complimenting others is a good habit but complimenting is bad. When you over compliment others then you realize that they are good than you. Doing it constantly your mind will change that you are not valuable. 

Everyone has different qualities. You also have many qualities. Compliment your qualities along with complimenting others’ qualities. But don’t do it over. This also wastes your time and energy.

Repeating one thing continually also can change your mind. It’s in your hand how you will change your mind. If you humiliate yourself and over-compliment other people your mind avoids thinking positively.

5. Believing Your Negative Self Talk

When we believe that we have some bad things and we can’t do or achieve this. It lowers our self-confidence. We should always believe that we have several good things and good habits. We can achieve everything if we change ourselves accordingly. 

A disabled person conquers Mount Everest or reached the top of Everest because he believes that he can achieve everything if he changes accordingly. If he believes that he is disabled and can’t hike the highest mountain in the world he can’t hike to the lowest mountain.

 It completely depends on your mind. And your mind changes according to your belief. So believe always positive instead of believing negative.

6 Excessive Apologizing

Apologizing is a good habit, everyone who apologizes first, saves many relationships but here I am writing about excessive apologizing. Excessive of everything is bad but excessive apologizing is destroy confidence.

Your mind starts feeling confused and you blame yourself when you apologize without your fault or apologize for much time for one fault.

Learn about apologizing, where you should apologize and where you should not apologize. This learning increases your confidence and also will save your confidence to destroy.

7 Letting Others Make Decisions for You

Sometimes when you need to purchase anything for your own need and your friend or colleagues select it for you and tell you that this brand is good and this is not good for you and you agree with them. These types of habits destroy your confidence.

Believe in yourself and also in your decisions and choices. Thing and decide on your own what should happen and what is not good for you.

When anyone tries to persuade you to do anything, research it before taking a decision. This persuading may be right or wrong.

8 Lowering Your Standards

Same as other habits, lowering your standard also destroy your habits. If you lower your standard on one thing it’s will be easy for your mind and also for other people to lower your standard. 

It means you are ready to accept less than you already have or what you deserve. If have many things to choose then choose the best thing for yourself. Choose the things according to your standard. 

Every person in this world holds different values. Some of us work as bosses, some as subordinates, and some as class four employees. We shouldn’t humiliate anyone but we should meet everyone according to their standard.

If you strictly define your standard it will make your confidence high.

9 Maintaining Toxic Relationships

I read in a book that people around you set your value for yours. How people can evaluate you, they see people around you and decide your values. It means don’t live between tope failure.

If you are living between successful people, after some period you will be successful. But if you live permanently with people who always complain and don’t want to take risks in their life you will also be a failure.

Choose the best people closest to you. These all impact your confidence and all these impacts your success and failure. The role of your family members in your life is very important. Family members and friends make you successful when you have nothing or when you are going to be a failure. 

10 Comparing Yourself to Others 

Comparing yourself to others is natural in humans. But don’t make it a habit. When you see other people have the best house, better jobs, or they have happy relationships than you. It feels you jealous and angry.

When you feel jealous and angry remind yourself of many things that you have best and others don’t have. Think of those people who are lower than you.

If you have an old model vehicle and you feel jealous to see someone’s new vehicle then remind yourself that many people don’t have any vehicle. They walk daily to fulfill their needs. Many people in this world don’t have shoes. But you have an old model vehicle. You are better than many peoples. But many people are also better than you. You will feel happy.

I researched a lot to find these habits. I want to increase the confidence of all people because my mission is to improve the lives of all humans. If you find these helpful share them with your friends and relatives so that they also can take benefit. If I wrote something wrong or everything that is not to be written in this article you can tell me in the comments. We always respond to the comments.

You should avoid these BAD HABITS THAT DESTROY CONFIDENCE. Confidence is necessary in life. Every successful person in the world have confidence in communication, skills, and life.


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