How Do I Choose The Right Social Media Platforms For My Business?

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How Do I Choose The Right Social Media Platforms For My Business?

Social media is necessary for all businesses, even its online or conventional. Everyone wants to promote their business on social media due to heavy traffic and this traffic spends a lot of their time on different social media platforms.

Every business owner or manager can’t search on social media to find the best ones. Finding the best ones for anyone requires a lot of time, money, energy, and knowledge. A businessman should have to adopt so many strategies, tricks, hacks, and secrets to find the best social media platform for his or her business.

Therefore, I researched, studied, and experienced some strategies for you to find the best social media platform for your business. I adopted these strategies in my business and my client’s businesses and obtained an increase in business and sales.

If you want to enhance the sales of your business and expand your business to the next level, read and then adopt follow mentioned strategies:

 1. Consider The Nature Of Your Business 

To know the nature of your business before selecting a social media platform is very necessary. You can’t promote your fashion brand on LinkedIn but you can promote it on Instagram. The same strategy is best for all businesses to promote them.

Make a list of social media platforms that suit your business. If you have an educational, hiring, or recruiting type business, LinkedIn and YouTube are best for you. But if your business is related to news, information, publishing, or printing then YouTube and Facebook are best for these types of businesses.

If your business is fashion design, Beauty products and services, home and office design and decoration then TikTok and Instagram are best for you to promote.

2. What resources are available to you?

These social media platforms are not available for the entire world. Some of them are banned for some specific regions like TikTok is banned in India and the USA and YouTube is banned in Russia. Therefore consider which social media platform is available for your region and also working best.

Some social media networks are providing the latest options and facilities to the selected countries but for the rest of the countries, these options and facilities are not available, Facebook is not monetizing and sharing ad revenue to many countries same TikTok is also not sharing ad revenue to some countries. Maybe other Social media networks have the same practices.

The resource to know before selecting a social media network to promote your business is ads and promotion charges. Some social media networks have high rates for some countries but for the rest are low. You should select the social media network according to the marketing budget of your business.

3. What content types do you have?

The next resource you should know before promoting is the type of content that you will publish on these social media networks. Some social media networks publish only videos some only short videos, some pictures some written content, and some all of these types of content. Which content you or your team can make and publish easily to promote your business on social media networks?

If you are easy in videos YouTube and Facebook is best for you but if you can publish short videos then Facebook, YouTube, TikTok, and other network are the best. But if you are easy only in pictures then X and Facebook are best for you.

For blog and article-type content, you have to select these types of networks like Medium and LinkedIn.

4. Where are your competitors?

To choose the right social media platform for your business, it’s also necessary to know where your competitors are.  If they are promoting their business on Facebook then you should also research on Facebook that are they on the right path or wasting their time and energy.

You don’t have to copy your competitors but you should focus on their plans to cross them not to remain behind them. If you only copy them you will remain behind, they will target the audience before you and also can expand business before you.

So, to make the best strategies for your competitors you should collect data from your competitors. You can make a list of your competitors along with their social media accounts and promotion budget. 

5. Consider Client Demographics 

When you consider you’re demographic which social media network is providing the best service in your region then you also have to consider which social media network is providing the latest facilities to your client’s regions.

Nowadays, most businesses are working in more than one country. Therefore, knowing the client’s demographics and the social media networks of those demographics is necessary.

As mentioned earlier, social media network’s facilities and options are different for each region. If your clients belong to the region where your selected social media platform does not provide some facilities that are necessary for you, then promoting your business would be difficult or impossible.

6. Match The Platform With Your Audience 

Many nations hate or boycott some social media networks on an ethnic and religious basis. Some age groups also use different types of social media networks.  You should match social media platforms with your audience.

If they are old age group and more literate they will prefer reading articles or watching videos. Some audiences also hate short video because they think it is wasting time and reducing focus.

You should consider the ethnicity, religion, age, gender, and language of your audience before selecting social media networks to promote your business or your clients’ businesses.

7. Focus On The Backbone Of Your Digital Footprint 

To promote businesses and products on social media you have to be consistent. All the social media networks neglect the influencers or content creators who post seldom. To remain consistent you required content creators, writers, social media managers, graphic designers, etc., and also budget for ads and remuneration of this team.

If you have a budget and you can manage a team or all the work then you can promote your business otherwise you can’t do the same. Your competitors will leave you behind.

You have to create a budget, time, and energy permanently and also should keep a backup of these things. You can save an extra budget for 3 to 6 months of your marketing that you can use when your sales are less than your goals. You can save more content that you can publish when you haven’t time and team to create new.

8. Build A Consistent Strategy Across All Platforms 

As mentioned above paras you have to be consistent in promoting your business to loyal your audience. Otherwise, your competitors will grab your customers and audience with consistency and the best content. To remain consistent you have to make a plan for your entire selected social media platforms.

You have to save a lot of content for posting in the future. You also have to remain updated with the current affairs that you can post related and trending topics along with the promotion of your business. 

You should also hire the best social media manager or managers along with the best tools for creating, planning, publishing, and scheduling content on different social media networks.


Promoting your business on social media networks is necessary but is not easy. Everyone can promote it by getting proper learning. Nowadays, it’s become a separate subject like chemistry and physics. If you want to promote your business and also expand it you have to take it seriously like a university degree.

To choose the right social media platform for your business you should consider the Nature of Your Business, resources available to you, content types, your competitors, and Clients’ Demographics. You should also focus on backup and plans to make consistency on social media networks.

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