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Now when about 90% of businesses are digital, the phishers/scammers also trained themselves to phish digitally in the form of cyber attacking, hacking, and bluejacking. They try a lot of time on many people daily and get succeed of them. 

Because many people don’t know about phishing tricks and afford a lot of loss. Be aware because scammers always try new techniques to catch people in their phishing traps.

So, I always emphasize on consistent learning, due to consistent learning you will learn all tricks of phishing before getting loss them. Successful is who learn from mistakes but the more successful are who learn from others’ mistakes.

Train your employee to avoid any loss due to phishing in your business. A single man can’t handle all features of the business. Every business needs a team to enlarge the business. Many team members have sensitive information and scammer mostly target them. But if the team members already have a lot of knowledge about phishing, they handle it easily and save the finance and information of the business.

On this website, we always provide the right information to start businesses, and jobs and also expand them. Here learn different types of online phishing that can harm you and your business.


Scammers send you messages, Whatsapp, and emails and tell you that if you click on this link we will deliver valuable stuff to your address freely. Sometimes they send an OTP and request you to click on this link and type OTP to deliver you so and so valuable items like mobile, laptop, etc. but they can grab all information from your mobile or laptop. 

They may use your bank accounts and other many accounts to earn forbidden income. They may blackmail you if they found some fallen moral images in the grabbed information. 


Scammers send you a link and request to donate a very little amount to their organization. But in reality, they want your and your business’s sensitive data. They request a little amount that no one can refuse to pay and show very huge achievement for mankind from your donated amount.

 For this purpose, they use the name of reputable NGOs to get your attention to their links. They also share a story about their projects about education, health, and philanthropy. They use different AI tools to write or record the best content and other psychological tricks.


Sometimes you will receive a message, email, Whatsapp, or message from any other platforms that you have purchased such items please confirm your address, and mobile number by clicking on the given link. Sometimes they send an OTP instead of a link. 

These all are scams and phishing to grab your money and data. They use many AI tools to send these messages. No calls and messages can be received by the sender due to AI tools.


1.         First of all, think whenever you click on the email, check the spelling of the sender’s email. They send an email similar to well-known companies. For example, they send you an email similar to PayPal, but when you read carefully the spelling of the email address you will find a change in the spelling. The spelling may be paypaal, paaypal, or payppal, instead of the correct name.

2.         Make sure that your window and other security software is up to date because hacking previous versions of every software is easy than up to dated software. 

 3.        Protect your all account using multi-step verification, for example, if you open an application to transfer money then always activate OTP before every transaction like two-step verification in the Google accounts.

4.         Avoid clicking on every pop-up message. Mostly they send pop-up messages with the request to click, reply, or other offers.

5.         Immediate complaint to your country’s cyber security department if you feel any suspicious loss in your social media or any other accounts to avoid more damage and blackmail in the future.


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