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Cut out all distractions in your life and schedule every hour of the day most productive because the world is moving rapidly or growing fast. If you don’t compete with others and don’t follow some productive habit, the world or people leave you behind. In this article you will learn 8 productivity habits that will change your life.

A famous saying is God cannot change the state of a nation who don’t agree to change its own. Harvard review found that successful business leaders, managers, and entrepreneurs wasted an average of ordinary 22 hours a week but other people waste more time than those leaders. 

Let’s start with these 8 habits that will make you most productive:-

1. TO-DO-List

Start updating your to-do list according to the priority of the work daily. Ensure that you completed all tasks every day that you wrote on your daily to-do list. You can write on a simple notepad and use your mobile phone, which automatically reminds you about your task before its starting time.

According to a study about 50 highly paid executives, 49 of them said they update their to-do lists every night. 

Experts estimated that the mind unconsciously thinks between 60000 to 80000 thoughts a day, but how many that your mind can consciously fixate on at any given time? No one from it because the conscious mind prefers only that thought you already decide to complete and others ignored.

The task on your to-do list may be learning something to meet someone or tasks about your business.

02. Avoid distraction

Social media and many apps are designed on the technique that if you see one thing on these platforms unconsciously then everyone sees the next post.

Concentration studies have shown that each distraction takes an average of 23 minutes and 15 seconds to get back to the task at hand. When you begin to recount every single time your attention was diverted for even just a few seconds add 23 minutes. You’ll quickly realize just how much of your day is continually spent trying to catch up on top of that distractions reduce your mind’s ability to perform deep work for long stretches. 

You can avoid these distractions to Turn off all the notifications that are disturbing you again and again And Activate the do not disturb facility on your computer and mobile phones.

03. Parkinson’s Law

 It’s really important to know about Parkinson’s Law and then implement it in your life for more productivity. Parkinson’s Law is “work expands to fill the time available for its completion.”

More simply put the longer you have to get something done the longer you’re going to take to finish. 

thing instead of giving yourself the entire day to get something done just give yourself half the time in theory that should help you work way more efficiently and get a lot more work done but even with all that sometimes you get stuck in a rut where you know what you should be doing you don’t have any distractions.

04. 5 Minutes Rules

05 Minutes Rules is designed to help you overcome procrastination to become more productive. You force yourself to work on a task for just five minutes, with the understanding that you can quit after five minutes if you like. Implement what’s called the five-minute rule, all you need to do is immediately, start on the task at hand with the expectation of doing it for only five minutes. 

After five minutes you’ll find yourself quickly finishing the entire thing because the most difficult part of starting anything is simply just starting the problem.

05. Find Your Best Hours

Each of us has our internal clock that dictates when we get our most efficient work done and if you want to optimize your productivity you have to work with it and not against it. This is the reason why some people are night owls who prefer to work late while others prefer to start their day at the crack of dawn.

Over time your body will naturally change when you feel most motivated and when you find it doesn’t let it go. 

Just decide that that is when the best work is done and this is not pseudoscience. dozens of studies from Harvard to NASA have sought to analyze the circadian rhythm in terms of how it relates to productivity and even though many of them report that 75 people are most mentally alert between the hours of 9 a.m. and 11 am each of us is different and it’s really important to pay attention to our levels of motivation throughout the day.

06. The Flow State

Flow is a state of mind in which a person becomes fully immersed in an activity. I’m sure most of us have experienced this in our lives where we’re so thoroughly involved in a task that we lose track of everything around us time seems to fly by nothing matters and you’re not on drugs for myself that happens when I optimize my day find meaning in my work and enjoy what I do when all of that comes together.

07. Outsource

Find yourself more productive and outsource some work that is not productive. For example, if you are a blogger, focus on blogging and writing, researching and marketing, and outsource other related work such as web designing, advertising, etc. If you are a YouTuber, you can outsource video editing and uploading. It’s only a few examples but you can outsource some part of the work of every business and increase focus on the main part of the business. 

In these examples video, editing, and webpage designing are lengthy and time taking tasks and if you start these on your own your focus on your main idea can be decreased.

08. Power of saying no

prioritizing your obligations throughout the day and turning down the people and projects that don’t align with you. The capacity to say “no” is entirely connected to fearlessness. 

Individuals with low fearlessness and confidence frequently have an anxious outlook on irritating others and will quite often rate others’ requirements more profoundly than their own, particularly assuming you’re a characteristic accommodating person.


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