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This world can be a heaven if we all are facilitators not only for humans but all other creatures. This world can’t be effective by one work but we all have to be a facilitator for all creatures. We all work for other people and charge a little profit against work. We should be facilitators, and this facilitation will also increase our profit. The world become a home of peace.

Let’s read a story to be a good facilitator for all creatures:

A young child once went into a large store with his mother. The youngster started swinging to look at the toys in the kids’ area as the mother got busy buying home goods. While playing, the child moved to the area with the birds and animals and began to notice the vibrant birds. 

He suddenly noticed three really pretty kittens, and as they began to speak, the young boy was drawn to them. The youngster approached the kitten cage and began playing erratically with the animals. The young boy felt like someone else was calling him when he heard a kitten’s voice suddenly coming from behind him.

The child gave it a quick glance before moving gently in its direction. The youngster fell in love with the kitten when he saw it by itself and asked the store to free it from its cage. While giving him the kitten, the shopkeeper added, “Dear youngster, you are free to play with it, but it is not for sale.” 

The young child came to the counter and said, “I want to buy this kitten,” after having forgotten about the kitten for a time and leaving it in the cage. But we’ve previously told you that it’s not for sale, the shopkeeper said. The kid is upset, but I have to buy this.

“Dear child, you have seen three other children like him,” the shopkeeper said. One of them can be purchased. Because he was born with a disability in one leg, we are unable to sell this child. But I’ll pay you its full price, the child added. 

The store clerk said, “Okay, as per your order.” After giving the shopkeeper $2, the young boy went to his mother to get the remaining $28. The shopkeeper greeted him as he approached with his mother and the remaining cash and said, “Ma’am, your child is refusing to buy this handicapped cat.” Why is he refusing to buy it when we have clearly explained that for this price you can buy a healthy child?

The infant picked up the cloth from its right leg while turning to face its mother. The child’s artificial leg caught the shopkeeper off guard. The kitten also lacked a right leg in the meantime. Along with giving back two dollars, the merchant added, “This kitten has grown to be your friend, and we don’t charge for friendship; keep it as a present from us.” 

It is not required for Allah to torture us in order to test us. Keep in mind that sometimes Allah tests without causing pain. A decent person is one who, even on their good days, is unselfish and sensitive to the suffering of others.

If you look around, you will notice many isolated members of society who are mute. Who needs a little bit of affection, assistance, guidance, encouragement, or a smile. Sometimes all we can offer someone is our heart, which gives them life. 

Be a person who recognizes that everyone experiences pain. It’s not required to suffer in order to comprehend another person’s suffering. Because we are such sensitive beings, when someone passes away, we feel dead. Although hearing someone in pain’s cries is a wonderful thing, you shouldn’t automatically feel sorry for them. Feel someone else’s suffering without causing them to cry.

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