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Reading is not cool but how to Memorize What You Read is another issue. Everyone must learn before reading How to remember everything that read. If you don’t learn this you can’t remember what you read after a period of time. You will waste your valuable time when reading without learning tricks for remembering everything you read.

You have read and heard that “Reader is Leader and Leader is Reader” is true many times. If you are a layman, or at a bottom position in a company and want to become a leader in any field or want to move to a key position, then start learning and reading. Continuously reading and learning will make you a leader or successful in any field.

When you start reading, you feel that you wasted the previous life that you spent without reading. You will enjoy, every new word, sentence, every new skill, and knowledge. It will expand your mind and you will be able to take better decisions about every problem, and every turn which arose in your life.

When anyone starts reading then he faces a collective problem that how to remember whatever read to take more benefits from it. It’s easy for those who want to learn how to read and remember. Before learning and reading it is most important how to reading, and what’s reading.

I also faced this problem and learned from many experts, readers, books, podcasts, and videos how to remember what I learned and read. How to take more and more benefit from it. Now I become able to remember most and also able to take more benefits than previously. If you read this article and implement all the below-mentioned methods into your reading, you will also learn more than early. It’s really beneficial for everyone. Let’s learn all these tricks and hacks about remembering everything you read and learned. I struggled a lot to provide you with a complete guide to remembering what you read.

1.         Have a question in your mind before you read

Before purchasing a book that you want to read you have clear purposes, and reasons, why you are going to read this book. Think carefully and answer the question by yourself. Choose only these books which you can answer the questions about why you are reading. Science Says This Is the Simplest Way to Remember More from books.

For example, if you choose a book about finance or the stock exchange, you have a clear reason that you are reading this book because you desire to invest in the stock exchange or get a job in any stock exchange company.

If you are chose a book about nutrition or food then you have a clear purpose or reason that you want to improve your diet. You want to leave junk food and are moving toward a natural diet instead of a processed diet. You are curious to know about foods and your body. 

When you have this question, purposes, and reasons you will feel easy. You will never be tired during reading. You have only one will to finish this book as soon as possible and implement it, start to take advantages which written in the book.

2.         Review after reading

Our mind saves the memories in the encoding process. It is possible due to review the same after reading. Encoding will be better when the mind associates with pre-existing information. Highlight important points during reading and review again when possible. The mind knows it is an important thing for you and will save it permanently.

For example, when you see a stranger once on the road, your mind doesn’t save him permanent memory and forget after some period but if you will see any person again and again you will never forget him.  Your mind transfers his look, style, face, and shape into permanent memory due to the coding process. The mind assumes that it is an important thing for you because you are reviewing it again and again.

The same happened with the addresses with us. When we visit one place many times our mind remembers all the ways, roads, and streets of that destination. But if we visit once and never intend to go again our mind doesn’t assume that it’s important for us and forget it permanently.

The same method applies in reading, you should review the main points many times and read completely again and again. It will shift memory from a short to a permanent part of your mind. You will never forget what you read.

The media, marketing, sales, and advertising industry implement this method. They show the same thing, the same product, and the same advertisement on TV, in newspapers, magazines, and blogs, again and again, to transfer it from people’s short memory to permanent memory.

3.         Take Notes

According to many studies, note-taking habit is very important, every reader should write in their own words what they read. Our minds will never forget when we review and write in our own words and thoughts after reading.

Teachers always emphasize to students to prepare notes of all subjects separately. Teachers know the importance of this method to remember everything that students read. The students who adopt this habit or implemented this method during the study got more success than those who wrote less.

The combination of reading, reviewing, and then taking notes expedite the remembering process of everything. Organizing, synthesizing, and summarizing notes on each subject is more effective for learners. Learners absorb more from it, like language, literature, writing, and vocabulary along with the specific subject.

4.         Get ready for Reading

Set all specified materials which are necessary for reading, e.g. notes, pen, diary, books, and dictionary. It is compulsory to remember because our mind is more focused when we use pre-experienced material and less focused when we use changed material every time for reading and any other work.

Libraries, universities, and other institutions are built to implement this method. They have many other options to teach students but they use the same buildings, desks, books, and other materials for teaching. Because they know the importance of this hack of remembering.

Apply this method in your life to remember all you read or learned. You will also remember it for a long time. It is very helpful for all students, readers, and learners.

You experienced it many times in your life that when you see an old friend after many years, your mind automatically starts to show all events related to this friend. Where you were met, played, read, or visited, etc. 

5.         Summarize & Discuss

After completing every book or course, you should think about it lonely. Discuss it on your own. What and why you read. What are the main topics of this book? Why author wrote it and what benefit you have taken from it? There are other topics are also available to discuss on your own.

Read again if you forget some topics from reading. Your mind is automatically stuck in one thing that you have forgotten. You can’t move from the forgotten topic to the next topic. You need to review or read it again.

Discuss and teach others what you learned and how they also take benefit from it. The best way to discuss this is to teach your juniors. If you are studying in a college or university you should teach your juniors. They learned about this subject freshly and you will learn more from them during discussing and teaching.

6.         Interleaving

Most readers start reading a book and don’t take any breaks until the end. It’s not better for remembering. It’s not good for our minds. We can save only a few sentences or words from that type of reading.

The best technique is to pick 3 to 4 books and read parallel all of them.  Read one or two chapters from one book and then the next book. Practice continually reading more books and also apply this method to reviewing and taking notes.

Colleges, universities, academies, and other teaching institutions also apply this technique to students. They teach a few from all chapters daily. After completion of the subjects, they review and assess on the same technique i.e. a few from each subject.

They adopt this technique after many studies and research. They have also another option of teaching i.e. subject wise. They can teach one subject, complete it, review and assess the same. After this, they can start the next subject. But this technique is failed and does not apply to reading and learning more.

Every student and learner should also apply this technique. This technique facilitates the mind to better remember.

Taking some other types of breaks during reading like drinking coffee and viewing natural beauty will also enhance your remembering and reading abilities,.



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