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There are only a few ways to succeed in life, in which expanding your mind is compulsory. You can expand your mind by watching videos, listening to podcasts, and expend time with mentors but most important is to read and listen to books. In this article you will learn about BEST BOOKS TO IMPROVE YOUR LIFE.

An author writes the book after getting more experience, research, and observations. But you can get this knowledge within a few minutes and hours. You can expand your mind if you create a habit of reading.

The mind is the most powerful tool of the human body. If you expand your mind you can earn more. You can help more people. You can make a bigger impact on your society. A rich and successful person like Elon Musk can change the luck of the whole country.

Good habits are the driver of success. I already wrote a lot about habits. You should read these articles carefully to be successful. Start adopting good habits because your habits decide your future.

Readers researches and expend their valuable time to get the best books but in this article, I will tell you 09 books that you should read necessarily in your life. But if you read these books in your early life then you can do more productive work.

You should learn more about business to grow your business, earn more, start a new business, or start a side hustle along with your job. And you should learn more about business by reading these following 06 books. These all are BEST BOOKS TO IMPROVE YOUR LIFE.

01. The Art of Possibility

The art of possibility is written by Rosamund Stone Zander and Benjamin Zander. They are husband and wife. This book is a mind changer for people belonging to every age or any region. The main purpose of this book is to change minds.

The authors focused on fetching the possibility from every event and situation. The situation may be good or bad but how do get positivity from it? How to think in any situation any event. 

The authors also include some stories and practices about good thinking. Where they emphasize good thinking. They teach many ways of positive thinking about yourself and all world. Because they know positive thinking will exactly change their mind. 

2. Start With Why

This book focuses on and is specially written for those who want to start any new ventures and business. In this world, everyone wants to do so. So this book is important for everyone. The author of this book Simon Sinek is famous for their TED talk.

He talks mostly about starting a new business and venture. In this book, he focused on one simple question, why. Why you should do or start this? Why are doing this? Think carefully before starting and how to think, the methods and facts of things about why are also mentioned in this book.

3. The Four Agreements

This book is written by Don Miguel Ruiz a famous author and writer. This book is based on beliefs that stop us to do proactively. How to overcome negative self-talk and blames. 

We should not make any assumptions on our own. Sometimes we think that we cannot do this work and we cannot achieve this after we stop working on this. These are our assumptions and we can do our best. We can achieve everything through hard-working and creative work.

After reading this book you feel expanded your mind. You should about new ideas in every aspect of life. You will not assume that you cannot do or achieve this success. 

4. The 5 AM Club

Robin Sharma is the writer of the book “The 5 AM Club”. He teaches readers about the benefits of waking in the early morning. How to level up a morning routine. What should do necessarily in the morning? And which things should avoid in the morning?

This book is written based on scientific research approved by many scientists. This book also contains practical, easy formulas, Tactics, and methods. Which everyone should follow to be proactive and productive?

If according to this book you wake up early in the morning. Finalize all your routine work like a workout, yoga, prayer, walk, bath, and breakfast before 08 or 09 AM. You have a lot of time in the day to do side hustle along with your routine job or business. You can create any passive income business to become rich.

So if you agree with the writer tell me your morning routine in the comments. We discuss how we can improve it and how we follow all given tactics easily.

5. You Can’t Hurt Me

The author David Goggins tells us in this book that we can achieve any goal in our life. Nothing is impossible, we can train our body and our mind accordingly to achieve the goal.

David Goggins was poor, prejudiced, and physically abused in his childhood. But he achieved the title of the fittest real man in America by Outside Magazine which is a huge achievement in his life. 

He is the only one in American history who completed so much training in the Navy, Army, and Air Force and thought other soldiers. He is an icon in the American forces.

He reveals the 40% rule. The 40% rule is that mostly we tap only 40% of our capabilities. How to forget past pain to achieve goals or reach on top in life.

6. The Alchemist

The Alchemist is a fiction book written by Paulo Coelho. Everyone loves this book and this is best seller book in the world. Belong to every language and every region want to read and learned many life lessons from it.

 It is the story of a shepherd boy. Who started the journey to hunt treasure for becoming rich. During the journey, he beards many hard things, beard hunger, and thirst. He can’t find any treasure to become rich but he finds the most valuable treasure that he wants.

He found the importance of listening. How to follow your dreams and also how to follow the inner guidance system which reaches you to the final destiny of life.

This is a short book and very interesting. If you once start reading you cannot stop till you complete it. I recommend every people should read it repeatedly because the book teaches you a different lesson every time.

These BEST BOOKS TO IMPROVE YOUR LIFE are easy to read and you can purchase easily all around the world. The summaries of these books are also available on YouTube and other online networks.


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