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What do the children need, what should be done to fulfill their passions and desires, what should be given as a gift if the year is full and what should be a surprise for the children after the results come, so that their fatigue of the year will go away?

Be it a festival or an event, buy something that the children can lay their hands on, even the dishes at home should be the same so that the children will eat happily. Almost all parents according to their status have more or less the same kind of desire for their children and they work day and night to fulfill them, those who are unable to do so, are drowning in this grief.

As children grow older, parents want to see them sitting among books. Just study and when you wake up, spend time with TV, mobile or friends to lighten your mind, go out to eat and take a walk so that you can refresh your mind with books. During this time, most parents hide their financial and domestic problems from their children, and now is the time to focus on their studies, so that the mind does not get confused by these problems and studies.

In the same struggle of parents, children step from school to college and then to university, and believe me, even reaching this stage, the majority of children in societies like ours do not know anything about the world except books and entertainment, because parents have From childhood, they are not told that the world is not just a place to eat, drink, wrap gifts and celebrate the anniversary, but life here demands heavy demands and hard work to survive.

Parents try to raise their children so that even the warm air does not touch them, no desire is left thirsty, and they hide them in their wings to be protected from the tricks and tricks of the times. Believe me, such children are often in trouble in practical life because they have been taught by their parents to walk on their toes instead of standing on their own.

Times have changed, and it must be admitted that now is not the time to send children to a tailor’s or mechanic’s shop to teach them skills. Education has undoubtedly become a priority but is it bad that along with setting the educational milestones, parents should also train their children to achieve financial independence from an early age? Which is no big deal in this digital age.

In many countries in Europe, children are attracted to light work from the age of thirteen and various training programs are kept for them. These children have strict rules and regulations in their workplaces where they earn money while being protected sexually, physically, and emotionally.

There is summer vacation earning opportunities for teenagers in America where they can easily earn twelve to fifteen dollars per hour. And according to a survey, the result of this training is that every month, about one and a half lakh children between the age of sixteen and nineteen can get a regular job.

In developed countries, some institutions set standards regarding the work of teenage children, how many hours they can work, what kind of work they can do, and what their income should be, etc.

It should also be accepted that those do not live in Europe or America but in poor economic countries, which are considered one of the most unsafe countries in the world in terms of children and women, it is also true that the rising inflation in poor economic countries has affected higher education. And the pursuit of a good life has become more difficult. If the parents continue to think that we should continue to earn and the children should continue to study, then in the end, there will be no way but to hold our heads and cry.

Parents should now understand that even if they earn thousands and millions of rupees by working hard, it is not a big deal, they have put their youth, health, and happiness at stake for these rupees. Get into the habit of doing smart work instead of work so that they can earn and live their lives to the fullest

This does not mean freeing children from the struggle of obtaining a degree, but rather enabling them to be able to meet their educational expenses instead of burdening their parents in pursuing higher education. Can also be a support? In this way, these children will be financially stable enough by the time they complete their education and if this aspect of child education is still neglected, we will continue to see the same youth around us who are twenty-four with degrees in hand. At the age of twenty-five thousand, shoes are worn for the job

Remember that money is very necessary even though it is not a necessary condition for happiness in life, so prepare your children for this essential thing from a young age. Unreliable commodities are parasites whose strings can break at any time. If you want children after us not to stumble, then no matter how financially strong you are, teach your children to work and earn from a young age so that they can work for themselves, for you, and for this nation. 

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