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If you are conscious to know and learn what is confidence, and how to increase self-confidence. Then read this article with a focus of your mind. You will learn here 07 best habits that increase confidence.

 I already wrote an article about confidence. Confidence is only a feeling of trust in your abilities, power of decision-making, and qualities. But it is increased due to an increase in your knowledge and an increase in your practice. 

Many habits destroy your confidence, you should also be aware of them and should avoid them but here I will share with you 07 habits that increase your confidence if you follow or include them in your life.

01.          Conquer Past

Confident people always learn through their past experiences. However low confident people also get depression and anxiety through their past experiences. But the way of thought of both of them is different. Confident people know and are well aware of the techniques to handle past experiences.

Confident people don’t think always about their past and don’t regret what they lost, but they learned how to avoid again from these mistakes. These bad experiences become best for them because they lost a small in past and save a huge in present; that small loss has countless value because they also save countless in the future.

Not only bad experience of the past is usable but the best experience also has more value. We can solve many problems and take many decisions due to these best experiences.

Low esteemed people don’t learn anything from their past they lose again and again and even have a lot of experiences. They trust again the same people and things. 

Low esteemed people also don’t take benefits from the best experiences of the past. They trust to luck and fortunes. They believe that best happened due to only their good luck without effort and struggle. They always wait for good luck which is not a good thought and habit and the same ruins their confidence.

2.            Construct a high-value skill

It’s not important, which profession and passion you belong to. You may be an actor, mechanic, painter, teacher, doctor, engineer, etc. the level of your skill is more important. Some actors and actresses, doctors, teachers, or mechanics are famous, everyone knows their names and faces. It’s only possible due to their high-level skills.

You also should know about the level of your skill. If you are a beginner or intermediate then you can’t be confident. Anyone must be expert in any field to increase confidence.

Many people wanted to become doctors or engineers at an early age but due to some reasons, they could not fulfill their dreams.  They adopt another profession and became experts in that profession. Then they earned more money and name than doctors and engineers.

The best way to be an expert in any skill is to continue learning. Try to read more books, watch more videos, listen to more podcasts, and explore more of that particular business. Become a student and friend of experts and gurus.

After that practice of a particular skill, again and again, will make you an expert. You will have more knowledge to face any problems and take all decisions. Finally, you will become famous and successful. 

3.            Constantly learn

As mentioned in the above lines constantly learning will enhance your confidence. When you saw something or have a problem you think that the same I listened or read before this time. You will take the best decision easily. It is possible due to only constantly learning. 

Always choose the best books, magazines, and newspapers to read. Watch the best videos, and listen to the best podcasts. It is better than wasting your time in gossip or watching inadequate movies. 

Contacts only with successful people and avoid toxic people. There are many ways to learn and adapt as much as possible. All the ways taught you something different than others.

Many people around us, learn and study only in universities and colleges. When they pass out they don’t touch any book and don’t contact any expert. They focus only on earning and believe that they are doing their best. But it is not good, they should learn constantly to be more confident. Degrees are not the end of learning, we will learn more after achieving a degree in our practical life if we have curious to learn. 

4.            Be Compassionate

The next step to being confident is to be compassionate toward yourself.  Take care of the health of your mind and your body. You are able and available here to read this article due to only your body and mind. If the health of these both is bad then you can’t do many beneficial activities. 

Always be helpful to needy people but not toxic people. When you will be beneficial to others without any lust and greed, all universe will be beneficial for you. You can experience it to see successful people, they always donate a particular amount constantly to improve the lives of many people and achieve more success in return.

The need of every person is different but we can also be beneficial for all needy people in many ways. A doctor can help them to improve their health and businesspersons can help to improve their living standards. Someone can help to improve their thought, to expand their minds through content and education.

 5.           Calm Responses

The habit of responding calmly to everyone also enhances confidence. Always try to respond to everything with the best of your knowledge and experience. They also are beneficial for you and your business.

 Sometimes people increase their voice like toxic and angry to emphasize their decision or opinion. It reduces their esteem, everyone should argue on facts instead of rage and power. It increases knowledge which causes to increase in confidence.

The immediate reply to anyone can be false, it is possible to have many mistakes, but a calm response with the best of knowledge and facts can’t be false. It always has some assistance for anyone. So always be calm in any situation to be amongst the confident and successful people.

6.            Certainty

We always ask many questions from our near people, for example when we wear new clothes we ask about our look and feel comfortable after a positive response. We feel that it is the best choice most people like it or respond positively. We also ask a question to decide the menu of breakfast, lunch, dinner, etc. 

But we don’t apply the same formula to ourselves. Expend time on your own, and ask many questions yourself. it is a type of mediation. Analyze daily before sleeping what you did in the day. Is it beneficial for you, your business, your family and friends, and for humans?

Expending time with yourself, and asking questions on your own can improve your confidence. Write down all questions and answers. You will be aware of your life, the way of your life. You will recognize that you are going toward the better or worse side. How much do you improve yourself? how many goals have you achieved and how many are pending? Which relationships are more important than others?

7.            Competently prepared

Last but not least habit to increase confidence is completely prepared. When the pandemic came many businesses and people become bankrupt. Many survived due to the best planning but many of them improved in the normal situation. 

The pandemic taught us a lesson that always is prepared and ready to face hard situations. The world can be changed immediately.  Our business changed immediately from normal to online. 

Competency preparation in every field and era is compulsory and possible for everyone. Always learn, and be aware of the methods of surviving, practice and implement them. 

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