How to make money with digital products

How to make money with digital products

How to make money with digital products

I’m assuming you already have a basic understanding of how to generate money with digital products. You already know you need to choose a product and conduct market research. So, now that you know if there is even demand for the product, you must plan a launch, set up to sell, and launch the product.

Build a sales mechanism around the product to make some money. So that you can continue to profit from it while also generating leads or gaining attention. So, people go through your sales system, but if you already know how to get started on this whole process, you’re not sure what your initial step should be, or you just have some unanswered questions.

Step One

So, in this essay, I’d like to share some things I’ve learned about each stage of the process with you. I’ve learned them by releasing several dozen items, mostly digital products, over the last six or seven years, and I’m hoping that by sharing each of these lessons, I may help others learn from my mistakes.

I’ll be able to assist you in overcoming that obstacle and eventually getting started:

As a result, the entire process begins with the stage of deciding or selecting an idea. You probably have a few different businesses that you want to start or goods that you want to create for all of these different classes. All of these alternatives are available to you, including the creation of a membership.

So, you must now choose a notion that is the major and most crucial point here. You simply need to choose something; it isn’t about selecting the correct response because there isn’t one on your selection of possibilities.

There are several good options, but none of them are perfect, they all have their pros and cons, but so many people get stuck right here with just trying to pick an idea and they never move forward, they never create a digital product, they never launch a digital product, and they never start making passive income, because they never even get past, This step is so important.

Just do it and move on; this does not have to be a permanent decision. You choose something to try, and if it doesn’t work or you decide you don’t like it after a few months, you can always go back to step one, but you will make much more progress by simply making a decision now and starting to move forward and getting some feedback from yourself about whether you like it or not from others, whether or not they’re interested and then being free to either continue with that concept or decide to cross it off your list and try something new, but without being stuck here.

Step Two

Step two is market research. As a result, market research is something that some people entirely disregard. Because it sounds complicated and frightening, and they didn’t learn how to conduct it in school, however, market research can be really simple. You only need to speak with certain folks who may be interested in your goods.

You don’t have to be certain if they’re interested; simply ask individuals you know who might be interested if they’re interested, and if they are, find out why they’re interested. Are they suffering an issue that makes them want to buy a product like yours? They are interested in that topic, so find out why. This will not just tell you whether or if there is a demand for your goods.

Now you know whether it’s worth your time and if you should keep going with it because here’s the thing: if you want to make money with it, you’ll have to find people who want to buy your product at some point. So you might as well discover those folks before you try to sell it before you’ve even built it, so you don’t waste time building it and launching it and risking embarrassing yourself.

So do this early on to determine if there is demand, but also when attempting to figure out how to sell your goods. This is similar to a sales page in that you’re trying to decide what to write on your sales page, and a lot of the time you can’t figure it out because you don’t know what to write, and sometimes you do write something, but it’s the wrong thing.

But if you go out there and do your market research, which means talking to real people who are interested in your product and asking them why they are interested, they will give you an answer, this is why I’m interested, and you can literally put those words on your sales page.

The thing practically writes itself, and not only is it easier, but it’s also much more likely to generate sales to convert visitors into customers, because you’re literally using their words, their reasons, why they told you, they want to buy the product, their language about the problem that they’re facing, and so they’ll understand the words that you’ve used, rather than just guessing at what they’re thinking, feeling, or wanting.

Step Three

So you’ve arrived at stage three. It’s time to devise a launch strategy. How are you going to launch this thing? You’ll need to answer some questions about what you’re launching. So, if you haven’t already, you need to identify that product and specify exactly what’s included, such as if it’s a digital course, how many modules, how many lessons, what will they learn in each of those modules, and what the major outcome will be.

So, specify what the item is, when are you going to launch, whether is it going to happen next week, next month, next year, or ideally not, but decide when this launch will take place.

Here we go with the following step in the process, but consider how this launch will actually go down, and finally, although this should really be the first item. What are you going to market it to, both theoretically in terms of what this person is like particularly, what this person desires, why would they want the product, and more specifically in a more tactile sense of who, Who will these individuals be, will you sell it to your mother and brother, or will you sell it to strangers online, and where will you sell it to them?

Finally, when organizing your launch, you should establish a few objectives. First and foremost, how many sales are you attempting to make? I would advocate keeping this number low for your first launch, but we’re going to double down and make sure you meet or exceed it.

If you’re seeking to validate this product idea and determine whether it’s even a viable product idea, I’d estimate 3 to 10 sales will provide you with the proof of concept that you require. If it’s a more expensive product, it may be on the lower end of that range of purchases, such as three.

If you’re selling something like an eBook, a PDF, or a low-cost course, I’d like to see you get at least 10 sales to hit that number of sales. How many leads will you need, for example, if you’re trying to generate five sales and you’re expecting a ten conversion rate, divide five by ten and that tells you that you need 50 leads to generate those five sales.

So, your major goal for your launch should be to generate 50 leads and have conversations with 50 possible buyers, and this, more than anything else, will ensure or predict that you will be able to meet that sales goal.

Step Four

So, we’ve arrived at step four of the process; this is where you get really hands-on; you need to set up the systems that you’ll need to sell, which means you’ll need three things: a shopping cart that’s linked to a payment processor. So, this may be something like Sam cart, or your website may already have a built-in shopping cart, such as if you’re using Shopify or Squarespace, or you may be utilizing a platform like Kajabi or teachable.

Those platforms have built-in shopping carts as well, but this is just the interface that allows people to check out; it must be connected to a payment processor, the most common of which is called Stripe, and creating an account with them is completely free; Stripe makes money by charging those Payment Processing fees, which are typically around one and a half to two percent. You’ll also need a mechanism for your customers to access the information or product after they’ve purchased it.

So, you’ll need something like a course platform or a website where the membership is hosted, and then you’ll need a distribution method for digital products. Because this is virtually always email, you’ll require email marketing software, often known as an email service provider, such as convertkit or Mailerlite. These are the two that I like and suggest. They shouldn’t take much time to set up, but they are vital.

Step Five

So, number five is the big event, the launch. This is where you openly share your product with the world. For your first lunch, consider it a beta launch. It is a test, and the main goal is to learn whether or not people want your product, what works, and what doesn’t. Don’t go into it to make a hundred sales or something like that, set the sales goal really low, as I previously stated, and have the main goal just be to learn.

This is wonderful since you will be getting your first customers. As a result, make certain that you are prepared to accept their customers. You may have noticed that we didn’t actually talk about developing the product, which is because many students don’t construct the product before this point; instead, they plan the product and then launch it as a live experience.

For example, if they are going to produce a digital course, instead of creating the entire course ahead of time, they simply lay out the course and then offer it as a series of live sessions over Zoom when people purchase it. For example, not everyone wants to do it that way, and there are various ways to present a course live; of course, you must be clear about this, but people will often pay more for a course that has not yet been created.

because they are paying for this live experience, which is considered more valuable because of the feedback and interaction that they can potentially have during those live classes, as opposed to a pre-recorded course, which can sometimes blend in with all of the other pre-recorded courses on the market.

We’ve got some maths here because we’re talking about launching. We’re talking about increasing sales. So, basically, here’s what I’ve learned and what I want you to think about when you’re just getting started and your following is small.

You must ensure a high conversion rate because if you just have 100 leads, 100 people in your audience, or 100 connections, who are you going to try to sell to? If your conversion rate is only 1%, you’ll only make one sale.

That’s not even a guarantee; with a one percent conversion rate, you may very easily produce zero sales. I’m sorry to break it to you, but most sales strategies, especially those you’re likely to meet in the real world, have a conversion rate of one percent or less.

So, I’m talking about things like email marketing or advertising; once you have over a thousand leads, it may make sense to use Mass marketing tactics like email marketing and different types of advertising, and content marketing, because you can’t possibly talk to all thousand people. You can’t have those one-on-one sales discussions, but as you can see, even with a thousand leads, you’ll only make approximately ten sales utilizing those approaches, which is where a Sales Event comes in.

A webinar, for example, can be quite beneficial, but if you’re working with fewer than a thousand leads, you’ll probably want to use one-on-one sales approaches. This means you’re interacting with each lead individually, having sales conversations with them directly, because those sales conversations generally convert at an average of about 30%, and I mean that, so sometimes they’re only 10% or 20%, but quite often they convert at 40%, 50%, or even higher.

So, if you have 100 leads and have a one-on-one sales conversation with 100 of them at that very average 30 conversion rate, you have now generated 30 sales, which is three times as many as if you had ten times as many leads simply because you took the time to have those one-on-one sales conversations. This is something I wish I had known when the audience was little.

So, after you’ve launched your product, you’ll want to focus on growing and scaling your firm.

Step Six

To create an evergreen sales structure. Because we just spoke about having those one-on-one sales discussions, this is a system that will allow your firm to scale. You could only do that for a limited number of leads after that.

The third phase is to drive traffic, which is critical since you can create the best sales funnel in the world. It can be incredibly strategic and even extremely compelling. It will not create a single sale for you unless you direct traffic to the top of it. I believe that the main mistake that many individuals make here is that they try to go out there and hustle for the traffic hustle for the visibility.

They believe I am the face of my brand and that I must be everywhere and tell everyone about it, which is fine and you can do, but if you want to actually create passive money. You must construct these Evergreen Traffic Systems.

I’m referring to things like establishing joint venture partners and other brands to market your brand in order for you to earn affiliate commissions. For example, I’m talking about producing long-form Evergreen content.

How to make money with digital products
How to make money with digital products


This is a step-by-step guide on how to make money with digital products. Everyone who has a passion to earn with these products should focus and struggle on it. But if anyone hasn’t passion then find something different as per your passion and interest otherwise you will waste your time and energy.

I wrote these steps of how to make money with digital products with complete research and experience. You have to implement it in your life to earn with digital products.

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