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Remote work is incredibly increased with the COVID-19 pandemic. 71% of people in every company and region want to work from home, and it’s possible to do so. According to many surveys and research reports after a few years, you could see this practice everywhere. Let’s learn SIX THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT REMOTE WORK to make your life easy.

This lifestyle will disturb you mentally and physically because you are not ready. You should be fully prepared for all the pros and cons that come with remote work. You’ll be ready to truly appreciate your new lifestyle when you practice these 6 things. These 6 things no one tells you about working from home. 

If you read carefully this column, you will also find some top tips for working remotely.

01. Avoid online distractions

Online distractions are worse than physical ones. You need to know about these online distractions to avoid them. These online distractions maybe pop up in messages, emails, social media notifications, etc. all these types of online distractions break your concentration, break your focus on tasks. 

You can complete your tasks much easier to stay focused by following a few simple tips during the focused time. Tell all your essential connected people about your focused time:- 

  • Turn off all the notifications that are disturbing you again and again.
  • Activate the do not disturb facility on your computer and mobile phones.
  • Put the mobile in airplane mode or turn it completely off.
  • Put your phone away or in a different room if you can’t put in airplane mode or turn it off.

02. Avoid Physical distractions

If you are living with your roommate or family it is very difficult for you to focus on your tasks.  They will disturb you when they move with their work, like cooking, calls, SMS, cleaning, singing, watching TV, etc. set a working area in your home, that may be a room, a desk or outside space of your home like a coffee shop, park, co-working space, etc. discuss with them about your focus time and set a code, when they see that code then they will not disturb you. 

This code may be wearing headphones, hanging a board on the door, putting a little trinket on your desk, and sitting in a pre-defined corner.  Tell them that you give your full attention to them after a focus time. This tip for working remotely is the hardest to swallow. None of us want to push away people who matter most to us but without this tip, you cannot work remotely.

03. Take care of your physical health

You’ll become less productive if your body is not healthy so take care of your health, take care of your body. Remote workers take care of health less than a traditional job because they ignore many things, like waking up in the morning, sitting on a comfortable chair, daily bath, daily wailing, etc. 

you follow some steps to keep your body fit, the steps are daily walking, yoga, gym exercise, massage, comfortable working chair, standing desk and getting fresh air, etc. Eat healthy and natural food and avoid junk food, nowadays all the world is rapidly moving toward natural food and herbal medicines and avoiding processed food. 

Research these steps and start doing them as soon as possible to keep fit in your body.

04. Take care of your mental health

Mental energy is the major key to your success. If you follow above mention steps like a daily walk, yoga, gym exercise, massage, comfortable working chair, standing desk and getting fresh air, etc. to keep your body fit then it is a bigger chance that your mental energy will also be good.  

But some additional steps will also be followed for your mental health. Reading and listening to motivational books and blogs, and spending time with friends and family members either online or offline will also keep your mental health good.

05. Set a routine life

When anyone starts working remotely, they continue forward toward laziness, because no one emphasizes them to maintain a daily routine. Maintain routine life of your own will. Lack of routine will defeat you. Set a routine from morning to time of sleep and strictly follow it. 

Include in your routine these activities, Learn new technologies and skills continuously. Maintain your physical and mental health otherwise, you will fail to take work. Employers have many options they will give this task to any others. There are a lot of competitors in this world.

06. Learn Communication

Over-communication is a big issue in any circumstance but it’s a bigger issue when you’re working remotely because you cannot understand completely the task due to a lack of vocabulary and even you don’t convey your reports, and issues about tasks. You can imagine on every freelancer market that many people have many skills they are all experts in these skills, but they can’t receive any project, or they are unable to earn a single dollar due to lack of communication, they cannot bid properly on an


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