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Some skills are hard to learn. It takes so much time and energy but if you expert them once, then you can get benefits for a long time. We mostly research and learn immediate knowledge and skills and forget to explore skills that are not easy to learn. Here we share with you 9 hard skills that pay off forever:-

01. Risk assessment and decision making

These skills are at the top of the list. Everyone should learn although related to any profession or business. Learn how to identify, assess, and analyze risks, because of the many risks we face in life, and also learn how to make decisions on these assessments. Decisions contain three different components without these components no one can make any decision. These components are choice, preference, and information. 

Risk assessment and decision making is not compulsory for businesses or jobs but it is also necessary for leaders, anyone who leads a team, a player’s team, a political party, the Head of a department or organization, etc.

You can search about it on the internet, in books, and from mentors and also can learn from paid and free courses.

02. Self-analysis

This is the ability to discover your thoughts and emotion toward success. Discover which habits and acts you should adopt to be successful. And which habits and acts you should avoid. Many acts we do unconsciously harm our life. I wrote about productive habits that will change your life

Why are you not at the destination where you may be?  Being a master of self-analysis skills can help to transform your life. . You should adopt the practical ways that transform your life into success and avoid the way that destroys you.

For self-analysis, you can use rating scales, checklists, questionnaires, and many other techniques that are available nowadays freely on the internet.

03. Public speaking

All successful people in this era and who passed away are public speakers this skill also makes you successful. You can see every successful person, a great religious scholar, a billionaire, scientist, writer, and rs, etc. can speak publically,          

It really benefits jobless persons, this skill helps you to find many jobs, such as an instructor or sales professional, requiring you to speak in public. Many jobs do not need any public speaking skills, but the employer will prefer you because public speaking is important as managerial skills.

Many techniques will be public speaking, talking about the audience, telling short stories during speaking, using presentation tools wisely, etc.

The public speaking skills you can learn on your own by practicing, putting yourself out there watching videos about techniques, studying the habit of other speakers, and reading the correct staple textbooks.

04. Time management

All mentors teach that managing your time is managing your life, and it’s actually correct. You see many people who waste their time a lot but when you ask about reading, prayers jogging and workout by them, they will reply with no availability of time for these activities.

Understanding managing the calendars better, prioritizing daily tasks, setting daily routines, etc. are some techniques of time management. Other techniques you can search on the internet, by mentors, and in the books to be experts.

If we discuss the benefits of time management, we find many benefits such as less stress, better work-life balance, more time freedom, greater focus, high productivity level, less procrastination, distraction, and increased energy.

05. Personal finances

Every billionaire in the world are expert in this skill, and this skill is also available on khan academy and many other networks without any charges. Without learning personal finance you cannot be rich, because you can’t know how to invest and where to invest. 

You looked around yourself many people that earn the same salary, and live in the same society but some of them are richer than other. These richer people are already experts in managing and organizing money, and in recording income and expenses.

Many people invest their money in savings or PLS accounts, they don’t know about the growth rate of inflation, the net present value of money, and the future value of money. So learn personal finance as soon as possible to survive in the world.

06. Basic Legal Skills

It’s the most important skill. You should have all knowledge about your rights in school, college, where you learn, or any company where you work. Get all awareness about your rights as a consumer, as a worker as a homeowner, and as a citizen.

Companies exploit your rights if you are unaware of some legal issues. Banks can charge more interest from you on credit. How you can save more taxes on purchasing or investing. These things are related to basic legal knowledge. 

07. Metal Learning

Everyone wants to learn and try to learn new skills, getting more knowledge but don’t know how to learn and which things are learned first then other. Learning how to learn can enhance your speed of learning. You can learn more at the same time.

How your brain memorizes knowledge and the mechanism of the brain, mechanism of learning is a science which you can learn by reading books, watching videos, and listening to podcasts about this. Attending sessions with mentors is very easy and fast to know about mental learning.

Polyphasic Sleep, Lucid Dreaming, and Classical Memory Techniques are the e most prominent skills for learning fast. Learning become exciting and fun for you if you be an expert in mental learning.

08. Consistency

People start anything like business or learning, but often stop when near to success or near to top due to boredom or procrastination of repetitive the same thing. They should know to maintain working with consistency and the importance of consistency.

People often stop working hard once they reach the top. They need to know that to maintain the top position they have to work harder and be more consistent regarding their work. If you’re working on an important project consistency is necessary to control any kind of success.

Be consistent, whatever you are doing, reading, learning, or doing business. All successful people are not successful before, when they start a business, stay consistent, and become popular because, consistency is vital to maintaining any kind of success.

09. Staying present in the moment

People always think about others, about past and future but they never stay in the present. This hurt their feeling and they turn happiness to stress. Learn how to focus on the present moment. According to many types of research, studies, and surveys, most people think other than what they’re doing at that time.

What could happen in the future and what already happened, don’t waste your time on that, focus on here and now, to be more relevant for your business, life, and goals.

Use some exercises to stay present at the moment like Yoga, Writing in a journal, visualizing daily goals, nature walks, etc. Use different tools which are available on the internet to stay here and now. 


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