The 14 Lessons That Will Make You A Millionaire

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If you’re reading this, you’re about to accelerate your way to your first million dollars or ten million dollars. In this article, I wrote lessons that I learned from my experience of earning money with different businesses. These are The 14 Lessons That Will Make You A Millionaire if you adopt them in your life.

I want to teach you so, that you can accelerate your journey to Millions. It’s difficult enough as it is, and it doesn’t have to be any worse. 


You may fail, people will speak about you, and you will be unhappy for a while, these always deciding on fear will make you fail. You can never get success with the fear. 

You can read many books like Thinking Big, Magic of Big Thinking, etc. to learn how to avoid fear and always think that you will be successful in this project or this business. It is necessary lesson from The 14 Lessons That Will Make You A Millionaire.


It may be successful, as I was, but do you have to follow organizational politics? Do you have to deal with people you don’t like? Are you creating someone else’s Kingdom instead of your own? Maybe even a firm with which you disagree on missions and values? 

Grab a chance, ideas, etc. that you imagined. Don’t wait for a better time; you will get success when you have a passion to do it instead of waiting for a better time.


The best you are still with me listening is greater than speaking. So, I have a rule called the 10x Rule and no this isn’t about doing 10x the work. This is about you focusing on giving 10x more than you receive. The biggest thing that you can give to somebody is listening in a conversation the smartest wealthiest people I know don’t talk a lot. 

Whenever you sit in a hotel or somewhere else, try to learn from them, and the best way of learning freely from others is by questioning. Learn to ask questions, as better you ask questions, as better you listen to them, and you will learn more. Listen instead of speaking is also a essential lesson from the The 14 Lessons That Will Make You A Millionaire.


Why should you pay your people it impacts your business’s success. You should pay as you earn. When you or your business earns more revenue, the employee receives a portion of that, which motivates them to want to earn more money for me, implying that I should pay my employees more. 

One of the most common mistakes I see new entrepreneurs and founders make is hiring amateurs. This is not the appropriate step; you should aim to hire individuals who are better and smarter than you; If you can’t, it means you need to improve, not the other way around. 


You want to do relatively few things for money, not constantly trade your time for money, and a lot of things for free that will end up generating an outsized return. 

Whenever you work freely with any expert or in a successful business at any position, you will learn a lot and you will able to make your business successful by implementing learned strategies.

Therefore, try to work with successful people and in successful companies freely. The ROI is very high for this free work. You will not receive money but more than money i.e. knowledge, experience, education, and skills.


say but say it in a specific way so there’s a superpower uh it’s called and instead of saying no like no I don’t have time no I don’t know how to do that no I’m not interested in that I learned the superpower from one of my mentors who worked at Barclays by saying and I’ll need to study X before we execute on that and the deliverable date for that will be a little bit longer the more no’s you do early in your 

I don’t think you should ever almost ever tell your boss no you should really be looking for lots of us in your life and then give a caveat on how to get there I can take on that project and I’m going to go look for an intern because it’s going to take more than the 60 hours I work already boss cool now the framework that I use for this as I’ve gotten less time and maybe slightly more successful is four things LEARN EARN EXPAND CONNECT 

  • LEARN: So, before I say anything, I’ll mention one thing: is it going to teach me something new, a talent that I’ll need to use?
  • EARN: It will help me make more even if I don’t earn more right now, but if I do, I will appreciate it because I enjoy making money.
  • EXPAND: It’s going to broaden the territory that I’m able to tackle, as well as the industries that I’m able to operate in.
  • CONNECT: Will this put me in a room or put me in contact with people who can help me? 


This is a contentious issue since many people believe that once you hire your family, you can never fire them. Now, I don’t fire people; instead, I usually get them to the point where they’re unhappy enough that they realize they need to leave, which is a kind of leadership superpower.

That way, you save a bridge rather than destroying it, but with your family, it’s very simple; I’ve recruited my cousin, my mother, my father, and my brother in various businesses. 

If you’re going to recruit a family, one thing you must do is set expectations so that before I bring on any family member, including how the structure is going to work and if it’s not to this caliber, even though your family. It won’t be a win for me, and it won’t be a win for you. I’ll tell you that we’ll sort it out within the first 90 days, so those expectations will last you a lifetime. 

I enjoy hiring family since the Loyalty component is so strong. Nobody will have more trust or loyalty than me. If you have insane family members, definitely don’t hire them.


Make your meaning; we weren’t born to be creators, so I don’t believe you should wait for your mission. I believe you should make it so that all of your enjoyment is at the intersection of what you enjoy and what makes money.

You must be the architect of your own life; the biggest error you can make is allowing someone else to write your tale, which is what most of us do; we genuinely let others tell us how our lives should be structured.

Every Sunday, I sit in a chair and ask myself a series of questions to ensure that I’m on the path that I want, not someone else’s. Some of the questions include: how much of this week did you enjoy, what percentage of the tasks that you had to do were things that you wanted to do, how happy or tired did you feel at the end of the day, and so on.


Negative engagement is preferable to no interaction. This is a bit of a Donald Trumpism, but the truth is that being unpopular and being good with it can set you free; it will show you that you can speak your mind without caring what others think.

Being on the internet, I’ve come to realize that it’s better to be disliked than irrelevant. 


Just because you have some of these skills does not guarantee you are competent. I’m kind of surprised because I deal with a lot of what I term dull firms. These are people like plumbers, landscapers, and journeymen who are usually far smarter than me in various respects.


It’s okay to take a back seat because this will happen to you all the time. They’re going to steal your words, take your idea, and not give you credit, so you should just say, “OK, whatever, take it,” in my opinion.

I’m not sure if fighting for something from someone else is karma. However, realize that investing energy into pursuing and chasing No that’s my credit, that’s his credit isn’t worth it since nobody is the credit police. At the end of the day, what matters is how much money you have in your bank account and what type of successful life you lead.


This meme appeals to me. Every job is a nightmare. If you do what you love, expect many years of doing what you despise; if you dream large, expect some of the nightmares that most people desire.

This golden unicorn wand makes them believe that everything they do when they are doing their dream profession or following their passion will be enjoyable. It is not true; you will fight, and you will suffer hard while pursuing your desired job. 

Just as much as doing someone else’s work; in fact, I believe that being a CEO is one of the worst jobs.

Except if you’re the type of person that was programmed that way, in which case you can’t help but embrace it. The moral of the story is that every job is bad. So, instead of saying no or grumbling, bring solutions to the table; otherwise, you’ll never truly grill.

Make certain that you bring innovative solutions to make things stink less, such as better technology or an outsourced VA.

The moral of the story is that some of it will stink and you won’t be able to get rid of it because some of it sucks. 


This is my personal favorite. This sounds crazy to have a cheerful list. But I’ve had a happy list for I don’t know how many years, and it’s in my Evernote on my phone, and it contains a succession of things that probably sound quite typical to you, but Walk my dog outdoors and have a little dance party with some tips to some tunes.

Go to the gym, or sauna, and read a book because I honestly believe happiness is a choice.

We often get into our heads and become unhappy because we’re sitting here with our shoulders scrunched and working too hard on our jobs, and we don’t realize that it only takes one physicality, one new idea, one new engagement, or one change of song for everything to change for us, so keep a happy list and write down the things that will change your mentality. Nobody should be trapped in a funk.


Tai Lopez reads like a billion books a year, while most people read books and then procrastinate. The only way for books to be effective is for you to read them. Maybe I’ll read them on my phone like I do. I copy and paste throughout the book, add items from the book to a to-do list, and then act on them nearly immediately.

I don’t let myself get caught up in the notion that I’m learning, consuming, doing, whereas you’re not doing, you’re just reading.

So make sure you put what you’ve learned into practice. Here’s the too long didn’t read on anything you do even maybe listening to this make sure you’re taking down a few notes to attempt to remember the lessons otherwise you’ll repeat them and no one wants that for you.

These all are The 14 Lessons That Will Make You A Millionaire. learn and implement in your daily habits. After a few years you will become millionaire. These lesson will finish your poor.

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