The Role of Customer Experience in Business Growth

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Every business requires only one thing to be successful and to expand i.e. customers. Without customers, no business can sustain itself. These customers grow business when they expend their money on purchasing or using your products and services.

But the question is which customers grow customers, expending, sales, and businesses, the customers have a good experience. But if the customers have a bad experience with your business it leaves a negative impact on the business, which causes a reduction in sales, customers, income, and business expansion.

What is Customer Experience?

Customer experience is a measurement of customers’ satisfaction with your business whether the customers are happy or distressed. What makes him glad or sad? Market and business studies show that businesses struggle to make their customer experience grow annually by 17% and businesses don’t adopt any strategies for customer satisfaction.

These studies also show customer satisfaction has become necessary for every business to sustain and expand. It does not matter whether the business is online or offline. It also does not matter if the business is small or large. But the role of the customer’s experience in every business is vital.

Why Is Customer Experience Important For Your Brand’s Success?

As mentioned above, customer experience decides the future of any business. If the customer experience is good, the business will expand but if the customer is only satisfied the business will sustain, and if the customer experience is bad, the business can’t sustain, it will be wiped out very rapidly. Let’s learn in detail in which area of business the customer experience plays an important role. 


1. Increasing revenue

Customers with better experience increase revenue in many ways. The customer would repurchase the same products, purchase more products, and also tell relatives, friends, colleagues, etc. that is called word-of-mouth marketing.

This marketing strategy is so impactful that can’t be achieved without expending a lot of money on marketing and promotion. Friends and relative trust each other and always asks each other before purchasing any items. They share their negative and positive experience and they also suggest and prevent each other from purchasing.

2. Your competitor is keen on poaching your loyal customers

When you watch a video on social media, the social media starts showing you the same topic’s video. The same happens in business, whenever you purchase an item from everywhere, all the same product’s sellers will start targeting you about their product in so many ways.

The other brands also collect data on customers from multiple sources to poach other customers. But when the customer experiences better with your business he or she will never be disloyal to you. 

3. Great CX = Engaged Employees

Great customer experience engage employees, when employee engages with the customer they learn and provide better services. They hesitate to dodge or other pretends. The employees are the assets of any company and play important roles in the business’ progress.

Engaged employees have more positive behavior than inactive. Engaged employees can engage more customers, also for more time. The business also takes more as the expended on employees. 

4. Becomes a part of your culture

When a customer visits a business to purchase his required or desired things, again and again, it becomes part of the business and starts understanding all the aspects of that business. Therefore, you should hire employees according to the culture where the business exists.

Customers don’t think strangers to your business, your employees, and you, when visit to purchase or get services but think as their own, from their own culture or family. It happens when you have the same culture and region employees and when you and your employees are proficient in the same language.

5. It is the beginning of community marketing

When a customer has a good experience, he or she recommends your business and products to relatives, family, friends, and colleagues. It is a word-of-mouth marketing and community marketing. These customers follow and subscribe to your social media accounts and also share your posts, which also enhances the customers’ numbers.

This marketing can’t be achieved with money but only with good customer experience. No, any customer will recommend terrible business and products to his family, friends, and colleagues but refrain from purchasing from you.

6. Happy Customers Mean Higher Lifetime Value

The number of customers and the loyalty of customers is the goodwill of the business. If the goodwill of the customer is high the value of the customer will also be higher. 

The higher value of a business is more important for your business. You can sell your business on more than invested money, you can obtain more investment and loan from the original value of your business due to good customer experience.

7. Providing A Good CX Lowers Customer Support Costs

Most businesses expend a lot of money on marketing, promotion, and advertisement to increase sales and customers. But when your customers have a good experience, the sales and customer will automatically increase and they also purchase more and never visit other businesses.

The repetitive customer will never require help and assistance with your business and products, which also saves your employees’ time. You will hire fewer employees due to good customer experiences.

8. Satisfied Customers Bring More Opportunities 

Your business has one type of product but when your customers are satisfied they will demand more products that they purchase from other businesses and have a bad experience. It will be an opportunity for your business to expand your business and include more products in your business.

For example, if your business is a coffee shop and your customers have a good experience, the same customers will demand juices and teas from you because they are purchasing juices or teas from any other business and are not satisfied there.

You can include juices and teas in your coffee shop on getting a loan or investment. Getting loans and investments also become easy due to these loyal customers.

9. Makes you a better company

The better customer experience makes the better company, these customers become loyal and also your friends. You may solve so many problems with the help of your loyal customers. These customers belong to so many fields and a person also requires so many people and services to fulfill day-to-day requirements.

For example, your tea business deals with about 100 customers daily, in the 100 customers are doctors, teachers, lawyers, tailors, YouTubers, journalists, Government officers, etc. Whenever in life you require services any of them will prefer others and also reduce their fee.

This is the best company that a loyal customer can provide you which is not possible with expending a lot of money.

How to Create a Positive Customer Experience

1. Manage your Inventory with Automation

With automation means, inventory shouldn’t be finished or reach a low stage that customers can’t buy them. You have to set criteria for the inventory of purchasing before reaching specific numbers. Get ready with your supplier before reaching that number of inventory.

For example, you are selling lunch boxes both offline and online in a specific country, and you are selling 02 items daily. When your inventory i.e. lunch box reaches a minimum number of 10, you have to order your supplier to provide the 20 boxes within 03 days. If the supplier is so far away and can’t provide within 03 days you should inform 05 or 10 days before and also increase your maximum numbers.

These automation inventory systems will also save you time and your customer will not return without purchasing. Still, when you have no inventory at the required time your customer will purchase from anywhere else and also become their customers.

2. Prioritize Convenience

Provide convenience to your customers as much as possible. Include maximum payment options at your offline or online stores. Providing assistance, best quality products, and maximum delivery options can also enhance your customer’s experience.

You can research your competence, and markets of other countries and cities, to maximize convenience to your customers because some markets have more research facilities and experience than small towns.

3. Train employees

To gain your customer’s experience you should train your employees, train employees can facilitate your customers more than untrained employees. The knowledge of customers’ behavior, psychological problems, interests, and passions is necessary to learn to enhance sales and customer retention.

The trained employees also have the best communication and marketing knowledge to sell products and engage customers. 

Nowadays, you don’t have to invite costly coaches or trainers to train your employees; you can train them through online courses that may be live or recorded or in both formats. Every trainer recorded their best courses on many online learning platforms like Udemy and Skillshare, etc to train as many students as possible and also to generate more income.

4. Listen to customer feedback and Improve Responsiveness

Gaining customers’ experience for growing business, you should listen to customer feedback, advice, comments, complaints, etc., and also improve your responsiveness. 

You have to include as many social media or other communication channels to listen to your customers and reply to them timely. As your customer experience gains, your business will also grow.

5. Measure results

Measure the result of all strategies that you are implementing in your business to obtain a better customer experience. Which strategy is best for engaging customers or increasing customer retention? Which strategies are not working or providing the best results?

Three pillars of human-centric experience strategy:

Every human wants the attention of others at any stage, or focus of others. How businesses can gain the attention of the customer to their business. The customer experience and focus play important role in business growth. Experts suggested three human-centric experience strategies to gain customers’ experience and focus in business:-

1. Understanding

Understanding customers’ behavior, passion, interest, etc is necessary to enhance sales and grow business. Customer belonging to different regions also have different requirements; you have to fulfill their requirement according to their requirement and not your interests.

2. Action

Take action to the requirements, passions, interests, and behavior of the customers. You also should take action on time otherwise any other business will take your customers and will provide better services than you. Timely and best actions are important and necessary to grow your customer’s experience. 

3. Trust

Providing quality services and products, convenience, understanding customers’ behavior, requirements, and interests, and taking action on time will grow the trust of your customers in your business. Trained employees, providing maximum delivery and payment options also necessary to enhance customer’s trust.


Without a customer’s best experience, a business can’t grow. Therefore, every business requires not only customers but also customer’s experience to run and grow the business. You can grow your business to provide the best services, including maximum facilities, measure results, listen to customer’s feedback, and be more convenient.

Customers with better experience will Increase revenue, Become a part of your culture, have Higher Lifetime Value, lower customer Support Costs, and Bring More Opportunities for your business. 

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