Why You Should Work A Full-Time Job Before Or During Remote Job

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Freelancing is important than any other type of career but you can’t ignore the importance of a full-time job at offices. You will learn a lot of skills that you can’t learn while freelancing. Therefore everyone should work a full-time job before or during freelancing to learn these precious skills.

These precious skills are teamwork, work ethics, discipline, other’s mistakes; others struggle for promotion and career switch, learning from seniors and juniors, etc.

You should work at a physical office before any online work like freelancing, remote jobs, e-commerce, digital marketing, and any online business. Let’s learn all the points in detail about why you should work a full-time job before or during a remote job:

1. Building a Solid Skill Set

In the offices, more than one employee works together, each employee expert in different skills and each has different passions. You will learn many skills from each employee when you will work side by side. You will know the passions of each other and also learn them when find them interesting.

You will learn different skills when your colleague goes on leave or when you resign from your job. Your boss will assign his or her tasks to other employees along with you until you hire a new one. It is also the best chance to switch careers if you don’t like you’re existing.

2. Gain Practical Training

Most people join as juniors in physical offices and work with most senior colleagues and bosses. They teach their junior all the practical work to reduce their responsibilities or to strengthen their teams. As a result, juniors learn a lot of practical work that they can’t learn in any educational institution.

This practical training will be beneficial for you when you work remotely or as a freelancer. In freelancing your boss directly provides a job to you, which you complete on your own without the help of any senior, you can’t ask so many questions of your boss because he or she is busy with other tasks.

But in the offices, you can ask all the questions from your seniors while working on the tasks, because the seniors sit beside the juniors to teach and get work from them on time.

3.   Get Help From Experienced Colleagues

During working in offices whenever you are stuck in a difficult situation you can get help from experienced colleagues easily without any hesitation. They are always ready to help you because they have to get so much work from you. As much you learn as much you can work for them.

You sit amongst the most senior and qualified colleagues when you work at a conventional workplace instead of remotely. Some of them are IT experts, writers, finance experts, accountants, HR experts, lawyers, developers, etc. 

You can get help from them about your life, self-improvement, health, law, education, etc. along with your professional tasks. They don’t prohibit you from getting help from them because they all work as a team and as a family.

4. Expand Your Network

To expand life, and to other so many tasks, one requires friends, networks, relations, etc. that you can get easily while working in a conventional workplace. Many of them become your friends who will help you in every phase of life and you will also help them whenever they require.

Every colleague also has friends who will also become your friends. If the friends or relatives of your colleague wouldn’t become your friends, they would be useful to you.

For example, you require legal help and you don’t have fees or you don’t want to spend on it. A friend of your colleague or your friend is an expert lawyer, your colleague will solve your legal problem through his lawyer friend or relative on a discount or completely free as possible.

It is one example, you can get help or solve your entire problems through your colleagues, their relatives, and friends. These are large and long networks that you can’t get while working remotely.

5. Build a Strong Work Ethic

To work in offices you have to build a stork work ethic by waking early, dressing properly as the employer requires, being ready, taking breakfast on time, and commuting on time to the office, etc. 

You are also required to work a long time mostly from 9 to 5 actively. Your managers also control you so that you can’t use social media or other distractions during work time. 

 Managers emphasize early completing your given tasks that can increase your working speed and you research shortcut keys, apps, and software to work fast.

These are all the work ethics you can’t learn when you work only remotely, therefore you should work a full-time job before or during the remote job.

6. Learn From Your Mistakes

When you mistakes while working in a conventional workplace, your seniors and manager immediately catch these mistakes. Most of the time they advise you and teach you how you can avoid these mistakes in the future. Many times they scold you and also punish and warn you in writing and verbally to avoid these mistakes in the future.

These are all the ways that are best for your improvement and learning. You will learn how to avoid mistakes, how to catch mistakes, and how to check give tasks of juniors.

These all ways will be beneficial for your future work, when you work remotely, as conventional, or start your businesses.

7. Build Your Portfolio

When you work in convention places you build your portfolio. You increase experience that you can mention in your resume. You can get copies of your tasks and also experience and appreciation certificates from your employers.

With these portfolios, you can show your freelancer client how to get the same type of project easily. Your online clients will trust you when they view the certificates and copy your completed tasks. 

You can also collect your achievements to get freelance projects easily. Your clients don’t require any live practical tests when they view these portfolios of large companies.

8. Lear Managing Team

You will learn how to manage a team or different team when you work at convention offices. You will learn to manage, provide tasks, get work from them, teach, learn, train, etc. to the team practically.

Managing a team is not an easy assignment. In a team, different educations, behaviors, skills, ethnic, cultures, and backgrounds people work together and complete the same type of duties, which is not easy to handle for a manager.

You can’t learn team management practically when working remotely. It is possible only to work within a team at a conventional workplace.

9. Financial Stability

Freelancing is not permanently equal. Sometimes you will get a lot of projects but sometimes you will fail to get only one. You should prepare for that time in advance, you should save different types of funds before starting a full-time freelancing career.

You should save a specific amount for your emergency fund that you can spend on your own and your loved ones’ health. You should also save another amount that you can expend when you don’t have any freelancing projects.

10. Test the Freelance Waters

Before being a full-time freelancer or getting a full-time remote job you should test them as part-time. Are you able to earn remotely for your sustenance or not? If you are successful as part-time you should switch your career from a conventional 9-5 career to a freelancer or remote employee but if you failed in them you should continue on your existing career.

When you start without part-time testing you might get a large loss. You will also save a lot of time when you start part-time before adopting freelancing as a full-time career because you will already build a portfolio and have a lot of experience.


Working a full-time job will help you to learn team management and working ethics that you can’t learn if you start your career online working from home. You can build a strong network and portfolio when you work in offices with other seniors and junior colleagues.

You can learn more skills, get help from colleagues, and learn from your and your colleagues’ mistakes while working full-time. These are the important points of why you should learn a full-time job before or during remote work.


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